Patinguina Samai

by Pablo Amaringo
Patinguina Samai
Pablo Amaringo
Painting - Gouache On Arches Paper
Patiquina Samai - The breath of the Patiquinas
The patiquina (Dieffenbachia sp) is widely used in Peru in banos florales (floral baths) for counteracting brujeria and attracting positive energy. The four varieties of patiquina seen here are verde, blanco, negro and pintado (green, white, black and mottled), each with its own spirit or guardian which you can see beside each of the plants.
The Patiquina verde in the top right for example, is used to represent the lungs; the essence of a persons being. The different shades of green, extending from the edge of the leaf to its centre indicates here that the state of the lungs is good.
February 18th, 2012
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Gull G
I try more and more to be myself, caring relatively little whether people approve or disapprove.” —Vincent Van Gogh 💖 Congratulations on your recent sale of this amazing Work!